Managing Stress
We know life can be stressful. Relaxation strategies can help. These techniques will help you feel calm, relaxed, and grounded. They can help you manage cravings and stay quit.
You can use them anytime you feel stressed or anxious. You might even share them with your other family, friends, or coworkers.
Your Quit Date
When you're ready, set your quit date. Setting a quit date gives you time to get ready, and gives you something to work toward.
Try It
Deep breathing is easy and effective. It reduces stress and can be done anywhere, anytime.
"Grounding" teaches you to focus on a physical object. This practice can help with anxiety.
Use your imagination to feel calmer. This method can also help you prepare for future stressful times.
Feel like you're spiraling? Read tips for staying calm even when life gets stressful.
Mindfulness is being aware of what you’re sensing and feeling. It can get you out of a craving without smoking or vaping.
Feeling anxious about quitting? Here are some ideas that can help.
Explore new ways to relieve stress without smoking or vaping. Try some of these to get started.
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Often we think of stress as something that is happening to us: too many demands, situations that aren’t resolving as we hoped, or a series of unfavorable events. However we might benefit from seeing stress in a different light, as how we react to events, rather than how events are happening to us.

Human beings are hardwired for being stressfully active. Our ‘stress system’ is the mechanism by which our body manages energy to meet the demands of living in the world. But, the demands that we face today are very different than the world in which our brains evolved.