Lay Foundation to Talk About Vaping

Sometimes it is hard to even know what questions to ask or where to go next. This exercise can help you figure some of that out.

Make a list of what you know about your child’s use of e-cigarettes and a list of what you don’t know. This will help you feel prepared, even if the conversation gets complex. Start by answering the questions below.

Who influences your child?

For sure, the tobacco industry. E-cigarette marketing campaigns and flavors are made to appeal to young people. Also think about your child’s closest friends and classmates. Older siblings or their friends? Other family members and family friends? People in your community influence your child. That includes people at school or work. It also includes your place or worship or sports teams.

Where else is your child getting information about vaping?

Social media is the first place to look. How do the people they follow talk about vaping? Kids tell us that they sometimes feel closer to people they only “know” via social media than to people they know in real life. What about the shows they watch? Do they glamorize vaping? What about the ads on those shows? The vaping industry has spent tons of money creating ads that target teens. Research has shown that viewing vaping ads is associated with a greater chance that a young person will try vaping.

What have you seen in your environment?

Finding vaping devices or pods doesn't automatically mean your teen is vaping. But it at least means someone in their life is. Have you noticed people in your community vaping? If you've seen it, so has your child.

What have you heard?

Has your teen mentioned anything about vaping? Have you discussed news about vaping? Have you overheard them talking about vaping with friends? Jot down anything like these. They give you insight into what your child knows about vaping.