Prescription Medications

Quitting medications can make quitting much more comfortable, and increase your chance of success.

You can choose to use prescription medications. These include varenicline, bupropion, and nicotine nasal spray.

If you have insurance, most health plans offer quitting medication at no or very low cost to members. Call the number on the back of your insurance card to check on your benefits

Your Quit Date

When you're ready, set your quit date. Setting a quit date gives you time to get ready, and gives you something to work toward.

Prescription Medications

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Rationale for Using Nicotine Replacement Medications

Those trying to stop smoking are often puzzled by the use of nicotine replacement therapy while trying to quit smoking.  “Why am I using nicotine when I want to get off nicotine?”

This question is a good one, and deserves some explanation...


I used Zyban for this quit.  Along with cutting down for a week on a strict schedule, a smoking cessation class and the support from the Ex the week prior to my quit.  I do feel the Zyban helped lessen the cravings. After numerous attempt to quit I believe it was a combination of  the above that led to a successful quit.  I celebrated two years this past March.